瑞安市胜王汽车电器有限公司创建于二00一年,公司专业制造各类汽车零部件:机油压力报警器、机油压力传感器、起动继电器、水温传感器、温控开关、断油电磁阀、转向灯开关、预热起动开关、电子电压表、制动灯开关及其它汽车电器。 经过多年来的发展,目前公司已拥有素质精良的员工队伍,水平一流的科技精英,技术先进的生产设备和检测设备,并通过了 ISO9001 等相关国际质量体系认证。公司产品选用优质原材料,采用先进工艺,其质量上乘,交货及时,深受广大客户的厚爱。 公司本着“以产品树形象,质量第一;以质量争市场,顾客至上”的质量方针,将以满意的价格,理想的服务,优良的品质,完美的形象,欢迎国内外广大客户的惠顾。 Cen Wan is not just a trading company,we have two plants in china. At the time of developing the two factories, We have accumulated a wealth of experience in the auto parts industry We are the member of china Cen Wan parts association,there are thousands of company join the association.They have a good relationship with Cen Wan Cen Wan goal is to integrate the Chinese auto parts industry, To show various of high quality auto parts products to the friends around the world by Cen Wan ,Make sure they can get what they needed conveniently and safety Our team is focused on the understanding and analysis of China 's auto industry。We have advantages in service for we can make a rapid response to customer enquiries Cen Wan have two manufacturing plants in Ruian and Shanghai.We have advantages in quality for we have advanced product testing equipment and perfect quality control system We focus on to show a variety of high quality auto parts to customers around the world. We have advantages in product for we have two manufacturing plant in china We are located in China's auto parts industry the most developed region. We have advantages in cost for the Improvement of supply chain and Convenient traffic